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You Got Questions? * I Have Answers! *

Frequently Asked Questions

  • THSM Community is a free member site where I offer a new Beat every two months for all members to download and even use it commercially for 1 year, subject to the THSM Community License Terms

    If you would like to join just click on the THSM Community button on top of this page

  • Yeap, I would rather not have all this legal stuff going around, but there's no way to avoid it

    Just remember when you use one of my Beats you are not buying it, you don't get ownership of it, you just get a license to use it under certain terms & conditions, and I retain full ownership and intellectual property over it

    And sadly, that kind of transaction requires a License Agreement to protect us both

  • So far, and that might change in the future, I don't use Content ID on YouTube which means you should not receive any Claim from my side

    But, if someone makes a song and registers it for YouTube Content ID, which is EXPLICTLY FORBIDDEN by the License Terms & Conditions, that might trigger a claim... If that happens I'll be more than happy to provide you with the information of our transaction that may help you clear the claim

  • That is right, all my License Terms & Conditions - except perhaps Exclusive or Custom Made Beats - include a clause stating that the Licensee (you) is EXPLICTLY FORBIDDEN to register the song on any Content ID system

    Why? Because that will create a lot of issues with other people that may have rightfully used the same Beat for their songs... And it may create the same issues to you if someone else does it

    If you register your song with Content ID and other rightful users of the same Beat get a claim, I will help them clear it as much as I can, meaning you won't get the revenue, you might have a false claim record on YouTube, and it is also a breach of the License Agreement

    Not a good thing I'm afraid

  • Short answer, that is the platform I use to process payments and license contracts

    If you want the Long Answer, please check the What is Beatstars? page

  • Well, I believe musicians should earn a living through royalties and the initial price tag of the Beat is just to demonstrate some commitment from you.

    That being said, those Beats follow the default royalty sharing of Beatstars (50%) so I am actually betting on your success!

  • Yeap, if you use one of my beats - even partially - to create a song I am entitled some share of any royalties generated by such song

    How much? Which ones? For how long? Those are specified in the different licensees, but if you don't like them, let's talk! I'm sure we can find an agreement suitable for both of us

  • Not quite, but almost!

    If you know your song will be a huge success, and you don't want to share your earnings with anyone, let's talk!

    The way it works for me is, I can lower the royalties share in exchange for a higher Beat price tag... I'm sure we could reach an agreement somewhere

  • Generally speaking, most people likes to master the final song themselves, because you should master the final result, all together

    Anyway, if for any reason you want the Beat mastered, let me know, I'm sure we could find a way!

  • Nope, all lines and stems are composed and performed by myself

    Of course, I have a huge library of sounds and instruments that I might use, but those allow me to release royalty free commercial music without restrictions

    And yes, I have paid a more than significant amount of money for those over all these years 😅

  • Nope, all lines and stems are composed and performed by myself, so no AI there, just my dumb old creativity 😅

    Of course, many instruments and plugins use AI to do their job but those are fully licensed (see previous question) and I would not consider their use as "AI generated music"