What is Beatstars???


What is Beatstars??? *

What is Beatstars?

Short Answer?

Beatstars is the platform I use to process the payments and - more importantly - the license agreements associated with each Beat

Long Answer?

When you publish music on a DSP, for example Spotify, you actually sign a contract with them specifying how they can use your track, which royalties will you receive for its streaming, and a myriad other things… Sadly, most of us don’t have the power to negotiate such contract and just accept whatever the DSP offers by default

Listeners of your music in the DSP, your fans, do not have to worry about any of this because is hidden from them by the DSP itself

On the other hand, when you license a Beat, all those things in the DSP contract has to be specified, agreed, and signed by both parts, the Beat seller (licensor) and the Beat buyer (licensee)… Please note that even if commonly used terms, I do not “sell” Beats and you generally do not “buy” Beats, I license you the use of my Beat

So Beatstars helps me offer different license formats, handles the signature or acceptance of the contracts, and a lot more back processing that needs to happen in order to keep us both secure

Is Beatstars the Only way to license my Beats?

Nope, if for any reason you do not want to use Beatstars to complete the transaction, just write me and I will do my best to find an alternative, even if we have to exchange and sign contracts physically (hope we don’t get there 😅)

The key point here is that using an alternative to Beatstars does not change the reasons why I redirect you there… A payment has to be made, a license has to be agreed on, and a contract has to be signed… One way, or another